Googie Kitsch icon

Googie Kitsch (1980s)

ca. Late 1970s - Early 2000s

Revival of the playful side of mid-century modern design (eg. colorful George Nelson clocks, boomerang tables), Googie motifs, general 1950's advertising vernacular & pop culture kitsch. Emerged in hip Pacific Punk Wave design circles mainly in the late 1970s, peaking in various forms & fields throughout the late 20th century, until petering out by the early 2000s. The slightly later 'lounge' revival (late 1980s/early 1990s) while having overlapping elements, could be seen as a distinct aesthetic since it pulls from some different sources (1960s bachelor pad style, exotica & tiki culture, animal prints). 

Overlaps with Diner Kitsch, though that aesthetic mainly pulls from older American diners from the 1930s-1950s built in the Streamline Moderne style. 


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