Soft Colonial Wanderlust icon

Soft Colonial Wanderlust (2000s)

ca. Late 1980s - Mid 2010s

Photos of people spanning from the Victorian era to the 1940s (at most, not too into the Fifties) culture/aesthetics appropriated for modern day consumption. Maps, wanderlust and leisure travel via boat or small aeroplane. Chinoiserie/Japonisme and general Orientalism (think blue on white Ming Dynasty pottery used exclusively by white people). Carnivals and boardwalks, mail art, Neutral Milk Hotel's/Arcade Fire album covers, Baroque Pop, privileging of nature/ecology in art (throwbacks to Art Nouveau/Arts and Crafts Movement), sense of whimsy, hot air balloons, magical ways of looking at travel, phonographs, typewriters and general machinery of the decade that's on the verge of modernity being used today, but NOT exactly steampunk, floral wallpapers with crowning seen in cafe's that serve New American cuisine.


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